Opium antagonists

Outside of the detoxification period, during rehabilitation treatment, these drugs are used in order to cause the patient to be afraid of taking drugs. The fact is that the use of heroin during the period of action of such drugs sharply brings the overdose limit closer. The usual dose of the drug will not cause “arrival” and “high” and can become deadly due to overload of the respiratory center.
All these drugs are chemical analogues of the drug naltrexone, produced by various companies. For reference, here are a few names of such analogues: naloxone, dormicum, ReVia, antaxone, noriman.
These drugs can exist both in tablet form and in the form of injection. Some of these drugs have prolonged forms. Prolonged is the form of the drug, which, after a single administration, is poorly excreted by the kidneys and continues to be in the blood from one month to one year. With the light hand of drug addicts, the introduction of prolonged forms of naltrexone was called “blocking” or “blocking”.
Popular rumor immediately attributed the properties of heroin drugs to these drugs. Unfortunately, this is far from the case.
Firstly, because despite all the treatment, despite even the objective absence of “craving” for reasons beyond the control of the doctor and relatives, a relapse may occur. For example, if a boy was persuaded to try heroin in the company “one more time”, since “all this blocking is nonsense”, then he can quite realistically overdose and die.

Taking heroin during the action of naltrexone becomes especially dangerous. The addict will not get pleasure from the usual dose for himself, but he may not feel bad either. Such a development of events is quite possible. Then the teenager, emboldened by the absence of a negative effect, can inject himself with a second dose, in order to still achieve the desired “arrival” and die from stopping the respiratory center in front of his friends suddenly, as from a shot.
Secondly, in a situation of choice: death or heroin, a teenager who knows what death is, only from TV action movies, to whom it seems that death is something that happens to someone else, but can never happen to himself, is able to choose death completely by accident.
He, for example, can use the fact of the “blockade” made to him as a means of blackmailing parents. Without receiving the desired money from them (cars, trips, etc.), some of our patients may “out of spite to everyone around them” leave home or from the clinic and take heroin. When such a teenager “out of spite” gives himself an injection, he is deeply convinced that the doctor injected him with a “lime”, and he will just scare everyone…
Thirdly, there are often cases with quite real suicides committed in this way. Depression is depression, whatever it is caused by.
Especially often this kind of trouble occurs with the introduction of prolonged forms of naltrexone, as the only form of treatment (without the supportive supervision of a doctor and a course of psychotherapy).
These drugs are quite expensive. On average, about a thousand rubles for a package of tablets, designed for 10 days of reception.

The doctor can use them in different ways. A supportive course of pills may be prescribed according to a special scheme related to the peculiarities of the pathological attraction (“craving”) for heroin in a particular patient. The doctor, due to the peculiarities of the patient’s character, may decide to introduce a prolonged form of medication.
You can also use one-time doses of the drug: doctors usually give pills instead of listening to promises, for example, when a patient leaves the hospital for a medical walk.
Today, in the Research centers of narcology, he even conducts special courses and issues diplomas to doctors for the right to use drugs of this group. Only a doctor can use such drugs and only in the process of psychotherapy. Their artisanal use will inevitably lead to serious troubles.