
2C-B is a synthesized psychedelic drug. It is produced in tablets, used as a substitute for ecstasy. With moderate use, it gives the effect of energy. A person becomes more mobile, active, while not experiencing hallucinations or strong euphoria. 2C-B has a lot of unique effects, so it is an interesting substance to study.
Every year in all countries, the number of various narcotic drugs is rapidly growing, which adversely affect the human condition, as well as distort reality.
A new generation drug
2C-B is an active psychedelic. This substance tastes bitter. If it is taken orally, then it will begin to act literally in 20 minutes. If we disclose the issue in more detail, then the effect of 2C-B is that after taking it, a person may experience mild nausea and an unpleasant feeling of cold. But, such effects can be avoided, for this you will need to take the first half of the dose first, and after 30 minutes the next half. The state of euphoria, with the right dosage, lasts up to 7 hours.
As soon as the substance begins to act, active visual changes are observed in the human body. According to people who have taken this substance, the colors around them become brighter, there is an indefinable desire to study the surrounding objects in more detail. Most of them had a desire to philosophize, melancholy begins to actively manifest itself. The effect of this substance is determined by the dosage. It should be said that as a result of its use, sexual attraction increases in most people. People talk about how they can stay in an excited state for hours.
It must be remembered that the enthusiastic reviews of those taking the drug, this is not a reason to try it. With the wrong dosage, there is not only a state of severe depression and depression. In most cases, the body’s work fails. Limbs cannot perform the usual function, there is a disorder of the digestive tract, strong mental agitation and failure of perception of the surrounding reality, deaths are not uncommon.
A person taking 2C-B treatment should be exclusively clinical. It will not be possible to get rid of such dependence at home.

2C-B side effect
2C-B has a side. That is why 2C-B has not gained such popularity as its predecessor ecstasy. When consumed , unpleasant physiological manifestations are noted:
Gastric flatulence;
Pronounced cough.
In case of overdose, the following psychological effects may occur:
Feeling of panic;
Strangely enough, psychological dependence on the use does not develop. Short-term addiction may occur, which passes after a week of active consumption.